How ENTs Can Thrive in Their Independent Practices

For ENT specialists to remain independent, successful and growing, they must keep up with their ever-evolving specialty — developments, issues and challenges. Well-informed physicians will more easily face the challenges of an independent medical practice.

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These pointers will help ENT specialists stay independent:

Patient Satisfaction

Recognize the power of your patients in keeping your practice independent. They are the consumers of your medical services. Patients today have a big impact in the medical field. They are aware of their rights, and any dissatisfaction with your care can lead to complaints, both offline and online.

As an ENT specialist, take care of your patients and make sure they leave your facility feeling satisfied. Satisfaction will lead patients to recommend your practice to their network of friends and family. Your overall patient satisfaction is critical if you intend to keep your independent practice.


An important goal of every Ear, Nose and Throat specialist is to become board-certified in otolaryngology and to maintain that certification. This certification demonstrates your level of commitment, and it shows your dedication as well as high ethical and professional standards. To patients, the specialty certification provides a guarantee that their doctor has the necessary knowledge and skills to practice as an otolaryngology specialist.


If you employ younger specialists, you will find they will require the latest technology – equal to their medical school. This can include robotics, telemedicine and EHRs. Patients want this advanced technology as well. When considering upgrades, compare the financial and medical benefits against the overall costs.

You can thrive in this environment

You may feel overwhelmed by all these decisions. Take it step by step. Discuss your concerns with other local physicians, and talk about sharing technology and other resources. Seek advice from successful physicians outside your immediate location. Go online and find an Independent Physician Association (IPA). Others have thrived and stayed independent. There’s no reason you can’t join their ranks.

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