
September 11, 2016

How To Best Prepare Your ENT Practice for MIPS Scoring?

MIPS is shaking up the healthcare system, and ENT physicians are among the thousands of practitioners wondering, “How will we be scored?” A physician performance scoring system is central to the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (aka, MIPS). These scores will drive the new Medicare value-based reimbursement program. Every point will count toward future reimbursements – or penalties.Physicians who start preparing now for this new paradigm will be successful when MIPS takes effect in 2017. Download Guide 2: Don't Let MACRA MIPS…

September 5, 2016

6 Keys to ENT Physician Success with MIPS

The sands are shifting, as the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) becomes closer to reality. With some preparation and planning, your ENT practice can succeed and even thrive in this new environment. Download Free Guide: Don't Let MACRA MIPS You in the ButtBy focusing on several key elements you can raise your Composite Performance Scores (CPS), the path to financial rewards under MIPS.These annual CPS scores are based on four categories: Quality, which will account for 50% of the score,…

August 28, 2016

6 Ways to Prepare for MIPS Implementation in Your ENT Office

MIPS is sending out shock waves. And there’s no doubt, MIPS can be intimidating.But let’s face it, this probably isn’t your first experience with healthcare reform. Most ENT clinicians have managed to survive Meaningful Use, so there’s a good chance you can handle the Merit-based Incentive Payment System, better known as MIPS. Download Free Guide: Don't Let MACRA MIPS You in the ButtAn ENT clinician’s survival guide to MIPSTo survive in MIPS territory, you must wrap your head around these…

August 21, 2016

How Will MIPS Impact Your ENT Practice?

With MIPS on the horizon, what changes can you expect in your otolaryngology practice? How will he Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (aka, MIPS) affect your day-to-day life?ENT physicians will appreciate new focus on improved patient care -- and the financial rewards for their efforts. But that’s just one aspect of this brave new world. Download Free Guide: Don't Let MACRA MIPS You in the ButtBetter patient care & greater valueThe “Big 3” goals of MIPS are improved (and more accessible)…